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EN The first Mood Enhancing OilOrganically Handmade only with local ingredients in South of FranceBe Happy in your own skin!!!

Designed by a certified Aromatherapist. Organically Handmade only with local ingredients in South of France feel Good in your own skin!

Thanks to its specific aromatic compounds, Happy Oil is meant to increase our serotonin levels *, increasing your good mood and leaving you at the same time, an healthier, glowing younger skin!


* Serotonin is in the brain and It is thought to regulate mood, happiness, and anxiety. Low levels of serotonin are linked to depression. All ingredients are either local or from French origin (Alpes Maritimes, Occitanie and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes).They are also organic and handmade, without any preservative or chemical ingredients.+ Our production is artisanal, made manually in the South of France, respecting the good manufacturing practices of natural cosmetics+


To respect the freshness of each batch, the stock is limited+ French origin ethical packaging made of recyclable glass + A Fresh sunny-summer mesmerizing fragrance, + Cosmetics Benefits: Moisturizing, Regenerating, Toning and Refreshing. A powerful antioxidant effect that protects skin cells against aging.+ Aromaterapeutic benefits: Comforting, stimulating and Balancing. Very effective to calm Irritability, Stress and anxieties. Contains limonene, a monoterpene acting on the release of serotonin.+ Several ways to use it: As a day and / night facial treatment, as a facial massage oil, as an Aromatherapy product, or even as a perfume.



Palmarosa, Benzoin, Peppermint, Lemon Eucalyptus, Ylang Ylang, Rapeseed and Sunflower

A bit more about the ingredients of Happy Oil

The Palmarosa: is positive, comforting, rebalancing emotional and tonic of the nervous system, very effective to calm the Irritability, the Stress and the anxieties.

Benzoin is a modulating mood that soothes or tones, as needed. It is a nervous balancer who fights apathy as much as it calms emotional shocks, and contributes to good psychological functions and other cases of agitation, anxiety and anxiety, crisis.

Peppermint, is invigorating and stimulating, makes the mind sparkle without exciting, combates fatigue and helps concentration.Peppermint is also known for its soothing properties, which are a great help to reduce stress, nervousness , anxiety.

Eucalyptus Lemon is soothing, sedative, hypotensive (tension due to stress) and analgesic. It contains limonene, a monoterpene that according to other works * acting on the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter involved in the regulation of mood.


Ylang Ylang, ** is balancing. Ylang Ylang provides an essential oil whose fragrance is universally appreciated for its warm, floral, exotic, round and feminine notes. It is hardly surprising that it is one of the essential oils that, by the olfaction, can modify a human behavior. It is an antidepressant, sedative, relaxing nervous, hypotensive, antiarrhythmic. HE Ylang-Ylang spreads a sense of joy and good humor. It is a soothing oil, euphoric, sensual. Its exotic scent is said to be aphrodisiac and slightly euphoric. She enters the composition of many famous perfumes. It also contains limonene, a monoterpene acting on the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter involved in mood regulation.


Vegetable Oils of Rapeseed and Sunflower, According to the Observatoire des Cosmétiques, a composition of 13% of Sunflower Oil (INCI: Helianthus annuus hybrid oil) has a softening and softening function of the skin. ) "Sunflower oil is rich in linoleic fatty acids and vitamin E. It is nourishing and softening and does not leave a greasy film on the skin because it is quickly absorbed. Widely used as a base for massage oils and creams. According to other references, sunflower oil is also perfect for dry or very dry skin. It also prevents dehydration of the skin. Vitamin E has a powerful antioxidant effect and protects skin cells against aging. Linoleic fatty acids provide suppleness and elasticity to the skin.


These properties, indications and methods of use are taken from reference books or websites in aromatherapy / cosmetics (,,, http: // www. They are found regularly and for many confirmed by observations in a scientific environment. This information is given for information purposes, it can not in any way constitute medical information, nor engage our responsibility.


"L'Aromatherapie Scientifique,Huiles Essentielles Chemotypées etr leurs Synergies DR.A.ZHIRI; D. BAUDOUX,Hec";  "L'Aromathérapie exactment, FRANCHOMME,Pierre"

FR Le premier soin de Beauté 2 en 1 d’Aromathérapie Cosmétique !

Grâce a ses composés aromatiques hautement ciblées qui font augmenter les niveaux de sérotonine*, vous ressentez immédiatement une augmentation de la bonne humeur ainsi qu'une peau plus saine, rayonnante et jeune!


+ Bienfaits Cosmétiques : Hydratant, Régénérant, Tonifiant et Rafraîchissant. Effet antioxydant puissant qui protège les cellules de la peau contre le vieillissement.


+ Bienfaits Aromaterapeutiques: Réconfortante, Stimulant, Équilibrante nerveuse, Modulante d'Humeur   (Apaise ou Tonifie selon besoin)

 Très efficace pour calmer l’Irritabilité, le Stress et les anxiétés. Contient du limonène, un monoterpène agissant sur la libération de sérotonine.


+ Tous les ingrédients sont soit locaux soit d’origine français (Alpes Maritimes, Occitanie et Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes)  biologiques et travaillés au bain marie pour préserver toute leur qualité, sans aucun conservateur ou produit chimique.


+ La fabrication est Artisanale, élaboré manuellement dans le Sud de la France, règlementée et respectant les bonnes pratiques de fabrication des cosmétiques


+ Pour respecter la fraicheur de chaque lot, le stock est limité


+ Packaging éthique en verre recyclable français


+ Parfum fraiche, Ensoleillée et Envoûtante, aux « faux » agrumes (les agrumes sont connues comme des photo sensibilisantes pour la peau, pour éviter cela, nous avons choisir  les remplacer par d'autres  huiles essentielles qui mimétisent les agrumes au niveau de l’odorat et de ses effets aromaterapeutiques, comme l’Eucalyptus Citronnée,  sans danger d’exposition au soleil)



+ Plusieurs façons de l’utiliser : comme soin jour et /ou nuit, huile faciale de massage, produit d’Aromathérapie, ou même comme parfum.


Pour se Sentir vraiment Bien Dans Sa Peau!


* l' Hormone du Bien Etre, responsable pour la joie de vivre et de l'enthousiasme. Elle aide à lutter contre les états dépressifs, le stress, les peurs et les angoisses. La sérotonine, est majoritairement présente dans l'organisme en qualité d'hormone locale et en quantité suffisante permet d'assurer un bon sommeil, un bon appétit et un bon moral.

Happy Oil

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